Be Quick Detective! Mac OS
Mac OS X Quick Start Guide Version 10.4 What is Symantec Encryption Desktop? 1 Symantec Encryption Desktop provides comprehensive security for desktops and laptops, making it possible for enterprises, workgroups, and individuals to protect sensitive information without changing the existing IT infrastructure or disrupting work processes. Since this is the case, Japanese detectives should be quick on their feet and should be able to lie and make good excuses on the spot. I was originally a good person who was very bad at lying, but during my detective work over the past 10 years, I had become a good liar and deceiver. SheepShaver is an open source PowerPC Apple Macintosh emulator. Using SheepShaver (along with the appropriate ROM image) it is possible to emulate a PowerPC Macintosh computer capable of running Mac OS 7.5.2 through 9.0.4. Builds of SheepShaver are available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.
Oxygen Forensic® Detective is an all-in-one forensic software platform built to extract, decode, and analyze data from multiple digital sources: mobile and IoT devices, device backups, UICC and media cards, drones, and cloud services.
To install and use the WFDB Software Package successfully, you mustknow how to use the Terminal application and the Unix shell. If youare unfamiliar with Unix commands, please find and study a goodreference on the subject, such as David Pogue's Mac OS X: TheMissing Manual, or Dave Taylor's Learning Unix for Mac OSX (both published by O'Reilly), or get the help of a localexpert.
The WFDB Software Package has been successfully compiled and tested onIntel-based Macs under Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and 10.5(Leopard), and on PPC-based Macs under Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) and10.2 (Jaguar). We have not tested other versions of OS X. Note thatthe XView toolkit needed in order to use WAVE is available for PPC butnot (yet) for Intel-based Macs.
Thanks to Isaac Henry for the original port of the WFDB SoftwarePackage to Mac OS X; to David T. Linker, MD, of the University ofWashington, for providing instructions for compiling WAVE under Mac OSX 10.2 on PPC Macs; and to Prof. Logan Donaldson, of York University(Toronto), for the port of the XView toolkit to Mac OS X 10.0 (PPC)that made David's port of WAVE possible.
Install XCode, including 'UNIX Development Support'. XCode is a set of software development tools including gcc, make, the libcurl and X11 SDKs, and much more. XCode is available via from
Open a Terminal (or xterm) window. Type the commands shown in the remaining steps below into this window.
Download and compile the current version of the WFDB Software Package.
If your web browser decompressed the archive (Safari does this), use this command to unpack it:
Otherwise, decompress and unpack with this command:
Unpacking the archive creates a directory with a name of the form wfdb-10.m.n. Enter this directory:
Configure and install the package:
The sudo command prompts for your password, needed in order to install the package in subdirectories of /usr/local. If you do not have administrative permissions, you may install the package in any writable directory by running make directly, adding an appropriate option:
Note that in this case you will need to add WFDBROOT/bin to your PATH environment variable.
(Optional) Check that the WFDB library and applications have been correctly compiled and installed:
This step compiles a short program that exercises the WFDB library and prints a summary of test results. Afterwards, the WFDB applications are tested. The tests are very short (typically less than a second each), except that the last one (xform using NETFILES) may take up to a minute if you have a slow or inoperative Internet connection. If any application test fails, its output can be found in the checkpkg subdirectory of the WFDB source tree; compare this output with the files of the same names that can be found in the checkpkg/expected subdirectory.
Read the manuals. Really! :-) If you want to write your own softwareto work with PhysioBank data, begin with the WFDBProgrammer's Guide. To learn about the wide variety of existing softwarethat can be used to study PhysioBank data, read the WFDB Applications Guide and the WAVE User's Guide.
If you would like help understanding, using, or downloading content, please see our Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any comments, feedback, or particular questions regarding this page, please send them to the webmaster. Comments and issues can also be raised on PhysioNet's GitHub page. Updated Friday, 1 December 2017 at 16:33 EST | PhysioNet is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) under NIH grant number 2R01GM104987-09. |
We are pleased to present you with something really amazing... the web design tool that will change your idea of how websites are made.
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What is Nicepage Website Builder?
Personal Assistant. There are many website makers, but none of them is simple, easy-to-use, and allows creating websites in minutes. Welcome Nicepage, your new personal design assistant. You upload images and text, and Nicepage designs a website for you. If you can use Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote, you can use Nicepage.
Availability. Nicepage is available online, as a Windows Application, and as a Plugin for WordPress and Joomla. We will demonstrate Nicepage features using the Desktop version as an example. Note that in this version, you can export for WordPress and Joomla. So let's introduce you to Nicepage, step by step.
Installation. We'll start by visiting the website. Enter a valid email. Click the 'Getting Started' button. On the next page, download the Windows Application. Install Nicepage for Windows.
Run Nicepage. Activate or continue the Trial. Let's add a New Page.
Creating a New Page
Website Builder. You can create pages from scratch. Also, you can build using the Powerful Page Builder. We will use free images. You see images selected by default. However, you can select and unselect any number of images to be used for a website.
Auto-Generated Websites. Switch categories. Let's select 'Interior.' Click Next. All those pages are not pre-made and generated on-the-fly automatically by Nicepage Intelligent Design Services. Let's filter the results by selecting 'Split' and 'Colored' in the top right. Finally, choose a Page Style.
Designer Made Examples. If you don't like the generated results, you can always use the pre-designed examples provided by our designer community. We can start with any of these samples, for example, with this one.
User Interface
Top Bar. Let's start with the basics of the User Interface of Nicepage. Start with the Top Bar containing the Pages, the Website Settings, the Theme Menu, and the Add Menu at the center. To the right, you see the Responsive Modes, the Preview, and then Export.
Navigator. The Website Navigator is located to the left. Here you find website Blocks, including the Header and the Footer, the Theme Elements.
Theme Settings
Colors. Let's review the Theme Settings in detail. Begin with Colors. Select Theme -> Colors. In reality, there are not that many websites that use more than five colors. Therefore, our Palettes are created to cover the color variety's need, allowing us to express any color ideas. Let's choose this Palette. Now, these colors are available for all elements on the web page.
Fonts. Modify the Fonts. Our Font Schemes are created by picking from the most popular Google Fonts and Combinations. Select the Font Scheme.
Typography. We will define the Typography. The Typography Sets change the text presented on the page. The selected settings will be used for all texts by default. Besides, these typography elements are available in the Text Style list.
Headings and Texts. The detailed type tuning for page elements is done in the Headings and Text. Select Theme -> Headings and Text.
Header Settings
Header Styles. Proceed to the Header. Since the Header and the Footer are the part of the Theme, you can reach them in the Theme Menu. However, it is more natural to click the Header thumbnail in the Navigator to the left. Select the Header. Selecting the header, we see its properties shown in the Property Panel to the right. Changing the parameters in the Right Panel modifies the chosen element, Group or Block. Let select a Header Style with the Text Headline.
Overlapping. Many modern websites have a header overlapping the Introduction Block, which changes the background to white while scrolling a page. Let's set this. First, we will select the Header Fill, as, by default, all Blocks are transparent, though it is not evident since the default background color for a page in browsers is white.
Sticky Header. Make the Header 'Sticky on Scroll.' Enable 'Overlapping.' Enable 'Transparent' and 'Inverted Text Color' for the Overlapping Mode. Click Preview to see that scrolling the Header background is still white, as we've selected this earlier.
Menu Settings
Menu Editing. Edit the Website Menu. Click the Menu in the Header. Select the 'Edit Menu' in the context toolbar of the Menu. In the dialog, add two Menu Items. Switch items. Click 'Done.' There are now three items on the Menu. Make the Menu shorter.
Off-Canvas Menu. Another modern feature supported in Nicepage is the Off-Canvas Menu. By default, the Button Mode is set starting from for Tablets. Let's change this to starting from the Desktop. Switch to the 'Button Popup' tab in the Property Panel.
Adding Controls to Menu. The Off-Canvas Menu is to the left. You can add various controls to be shown in the Off-Canvas Menu, and such are the Logo, the Headline, the Search, the WordPress Widget, the Joomla Position, Social Icons, etc. Let's add a Headline. Modify the texts, alignment, and positions. Add 'Social Icons.' Also, align this element properly. Switch to the Desktop Mode. Make the cosmetic changes, if necessary. This is it. That simple!
Footer Settings
Footer Styles. Let's modify the Footer. Select Footer in the Web Page Navigator to the left or from Theme -> Footer. Click the 'Change Style' button in the Property Panel. Select a style.
Copying the Menu. Let's add a menu. Select the Header. Copy the Menu from the Header. Select the Footer. Paste the Menu into the Footer. Finalize the Footer making cosmetic changes.
Blog Template
Blog Styles. The Blog and the Post Templates are important parts of the Theme. Select the Blog Template from the Theme Menu. Select Theme -> Blog Template. Select a preset for the Blog in the Right Panel.
Blog Elements. Modify the Post Header. Select the Metadata. Add the Author. Remove the Category. Modify the type and the color for the Metadata. Select the Post Image. Enable the Shadow. Add the Shadow effect to the Post Image.
Support of SCR Set. Please note that the Blog and the Post Templates support the SCR SET feature used in WordPress, for example, to show different images for different responsive modes.
Post Template
Post Styles. Select the Post template in the Theme Menu. Select Theme -> Post Template. Select a Post preset in the Property Panel. Change the Post Header font size. Remove the Category. Modify the type and the color of the Post Metadata.
Sidebar. Enable The Right Sidebar by clicking the Icon in the Property Panel. Change the Sidebar Width pulling the marker. Add gaps between the blocks. Add the fill for the Block Header. Add Spacings for both the Block Header and the Block Content. Switch to the Pages. Select a page in the Page Menu in the Top Bar.
Pre-designed Blocks
Let's Add a New Block. There are over a thousand pre-designed Blocks available, and each of those Blocks has a unique design and a layout. There is the Block Style list to the left and Thematic Categories at the top. Selecting styles and categories, you narrow down the number of offered Blocks allowing you to see the most appropriate ones. Select a Block Style.
Selecting Styles. If you change your mind or don't like what you have just selected, you can easily choose another. Click the 'Block Style' button in the Right Panel. Select a category. Select another Block Style. Also, we can add more Spacing between cells.
Web Page Navigator
Edit Page Name. Back to the Left Navigator. It makes it easy to select and operate Blocks. At the very top of the Web Page Navigator, there is a Page Name. Click the Page name to change it. Type a new name, then click the Save button or press the ENTER key.
Block Menu. Each Block has a menu. The DUPLICATE operation copies the current Block. Drag Blocks in the Navigator to switch the Block order easily. If you want to delete a Block, choose the DELETE option in the Block Menu.
Functional Blocks
Assume that you need a functional Block, let's say with a Contact Form, an Address, and a Map. Add a new Block by clicking the Plus in the Block Ruler. Select the Contact Form category in the dialog. Add the Block with a form and a map. After adding the Block, click the map or form control to see the Right Panel properties.
Block Editor
The Block Editor is the central part of Nicepage. Here you can add, move, position, and align various controls. Clicking elements in the Editor, we see the Properties change in the Panel to the right. Altering the parameters modifies a selected Element. In addition, in the Panel, you can switch tabs to navigate to a Group or a Block.
Block Builder
Builder Dialog. Let's add Blocks using the Builder. In the Add, Block dialog, click the Builder. For the Block, you can search images online, use images from any social accounts or your local folder.
Uploading Images. Drag images from your local folder. Select images for the Block. Select required texts for the Block. Select a style from the auto-generated variants. Finally, click 'Done' to add this Block to the page.
Using Nicepage HTML Website Builder is very simple. It's similar to working in Microsoft PowerPoint or the Apple KeyNote. At that, you get the clean code and the fully responsive HTML in the output.
Using Block Editor
Blank Block. Let's assume that you don't like generated variants, and the pre-designed ideas are not enough. There is a Block mock-up drawn in a graphic editor, for example, Adobe Photoshop. Let's use this Block as an example. Add a blank Block. Change the Block height.
Sheet. Readability is very important for a web page. The Content Area is called 'Sheet,' and it's marked with the dashed lines. It is recommended to place the content between these lines.
Add Menu. All added controls are found in the Add Menu. Open the Add Menu. There are Groups, Basic and Functional Controls.
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Working with Cells
Uploading Images. To create a Block with Cells, we need a Grid. Grids are flexible and very useful for the Responsive Modes, as for smaller screens, the cells are reorganized one under another automatically.
Using Grids. Select 'Grid.' Shrink the Grid Height. Move the Grid up. While moving, you see the snapping guides and sizes in boxes that help to align. Replace the images by dragging them from your local folder. Add Spacing to separate cells visually.
Working with Images. Select the cell to the left. Change the cell background from Image Fill to Color Fill. Collapse the image to make it a part of the content, and expand it back to the cell background. Select another cell. Change the Crop of the background image. Switch cells by dragging one cell over another.
Highlighting. The destinations: a cell, a Group, or a Block; are highlighted with the borders. Also, there is a tip above the Destination Cell. Copy the cell by dragging while holding the CTRL-key. If you change your mind, clear the content, select the cell, and press the DELETE key.
Adding Controls
Adding Icon. Enable the Cell Fill in the Panel, change the Fill Color to Light Gray. Add an Icon. Click 'Add' and select 'Icon.' In the dialog, enter 'Idea' into the search field. Select the linear Lightbulb icon. There are many Icon presets. Select the circled one. Note that the colors used in the presets are from the Palette selected in Theme -> Colors.
Adding Texts. Add Heading 2. Modify the Heading Text. Change the text size and the Spacing between letters. If needed, undo the changes by selecting the default text style from the list in the Panel. The styles in this list are set in Theme -> Headings and Text. Add a text, click Add-> Text -> Text. Select a part of this text and make it Bold and Italic. Select another part, then add a Hyperlink.
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Adding Buttons. Add a button alternatively, click the small Plus at the top right at the cell corner. Buttons also have presets. We will use the bordered one. Colors used in the presets are set in Theme -> Colors. Make all letters in the uppercase, smaller and bold. Modify the Button Text.
Cell Alignment. Alignment and Consistency are important design principles. Note again, while moving, guides and sizes are helping to follow those principles. Also, a reminder, dragging elements there are highlighted cells with the upper tips clarifying the control placing. Auto-align the content.
You see, the results are achieved easier and quicker, even than drawing this Block mock-up a graphic editor like Photoshop. We have finished adding Blocks.
Responsive Modes
Viewports. No modern design is considered complete if it's not responsive to various viewports. He's the Magic! Clicking the Responsive Mode icons, you see the whole page looks NICE in all modes. It was all done automatically! Amazing, isn't it?!
Editing. Note that all editing features are supported in all Responsive Modes. Change the Сrop of the image. Modify the Heading size. You may hide any cell, let's say, for the Phone Landscape. Then show it back in one click.
Preview and Export
Website Settings. After you've made your changes, click the Preview to see the page. In addition, you can check the Website Settings, for example, for the SEO.
Export Options. Click the Export in the Top Bar. You can export to HTML, WordPress, and Joomla and save the Theme Screenshot. Let's use the export to WordPress as an example.
Export Dialog. The dialog select 'WordPress,' the destination folder, and the 'Theme & Content' option. Click the 'Export' button.
Uploading Theme
WordPress Admin. Upload your Theme to WordPress. Open WordPress Admin. The Theme is installed as usual, as a zipped package. Go to the Admin panel -> Appearance -> Themes -> Add New. Click the 'Upload Theme' button. Select the downloaded zip from your local folder.
Theme Installation. Install the Theme. Activate the Theme. After activation, the Nicepage Tab appears in the WordPress Menu. Click 'Pages.' Import the Content. The Home page has appeared in the Page List. Open the Home page.
Edit in WordPress. We see the 'Edit with Nicepage' button. The Nicepage Plugin is also installed with the Theme into WordPress. Note that Nicepage WordPress Plugin supports all editing features. Click the 'Edit with Nicepage' button to open the Nicepage Editor inside WordPress. Click the Preview to see the page.
We see that working in Nicepage is as simple as using the Microsoft PowerPoint or the Apple KeyNote. In the output, you get the clean code and the fully responsive HTML.
We hope you have enjoyed this presentation of the Nicepage Application for Windows.