Operator (itch) (desmondweindorf) Mac OS

Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D. It is used by video playback software, emulators, and popular games including Valve's award winning catalog and many Humble Bundle games.

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  2. Operator (itch) (desmondweindorf) Mac Os Download
  3. Operator (itch) (desmondweindorf) Mac Os Iso

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Operator (itch) (desmondweindorf) Mac Os Version


SDL officially supports Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, and Android. Support for other platforms may be found in the source code.

Operator (itch) (desmondweindorf) mac os x

Operator (itch) (desmondweindorf) Mac Os Download

SDL is written in C, works natively with C++, and there are bindings available for several other languages, including C# and Python.

Operator (itch) (desmondweindorf) Mac Os Iso

SDL 2.0 is distributed under the zlib license. This license allows you to use SDL freely in any software.